
The neurodivergent brain can be complicated to understand. With a wide array of disorders with an even larger pool of possible symptoms, most people will experience neurodiversity at some point in their lives, whether it be a personal diagnosis, or a friend or family member. Since these symptoms and disorders can present themselves in so many different ways from person to person, it can be difficult to describe or notice, sometimes. However, this piece will surely give you an understanding of some of them.

Neurodivergence is written in three movements for solo piano. The first movement, Anxiety, is fast and chaotic, with flashy runs and technical passages, atypical performance techniques, and complicated patterns. Listening to it (and especially playing it), you will understand what anxiety feels like to some extent. The second movement, Dissociation, aims to evoke a feeling of floating. Dissociation is characterized by a disconnection between the physical body and the surrounding world. It can feel as if one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions are not connected to oneself. The third and final movement, Procrastination, well… I don’t really feel like describing it just yet. Give it a listen!

Duration: ~4 minutes


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